About this blog

Thulani (Too-lah-nee) is a small South African bear who has been bitten by the travel bug in a big way! This blog will follow the travels of Thulani Bear as he visits various countries around the globe during 2011.

Thursday 24 February 2011

Update from Israel

An update from Thulani's host, Rachel, in Israel:
Oooh Thulani has been really busy! We went to Mini Israel which was kind of neat as he did all of Israel without leaving the local area! He managed to fit in an audition for King Kong but some wretched monkey got it but I thought he put in a lot of expression (mainly terrified).

He also went to a kibbutz. Sadly they are not as prevalent in Israel as they once were but he thought it was very interesting. He wondered why there were no cows or sheeps in the field so I gently explained how hot Israel gets in the summer and we dont like to cook our food alive as it were so they stay nice and cool under cover

He had his Shabbat here. He found it weird we dont have television or anything on Shabbat and thought it was boring so like the rest of the family - he got some sleep in.

Today we went to the market by the beach. I took a photo but it was really busy so Thunani was held firmly by the paw behind the camera and didnt appear in the shot, I wouldnt like the little fella to get lost you understand!

Above are some photos though they will also appear in the diary - he is loving his time in Israel though he has asked if when he arrives in Australia, could he have a prawn barbeque or maybe a bacon sandwich? The kosher is driving him a little insane you see .....



Wednesday 9 February 2011

Thulani is in Israel!

Received from Rachel this morning:

Thulani is here! He arrived about two minutes ago and is sitting on the counter getting his breath back after his long journey!
Tonight he is going to the airport in Tel Aviv (Ben Gurion) to meet my dad who is coming from England and tomorrow he is going to Gan Yavne to a friends house, then Friday to the beach and after that ... who knows????
Baruch habaitanoo (welcome to our House!)

Monday 7 February 2011

Thulani in Johannesburg, South Africa – Day 5


Thulani joined Ryan at school today. Ryan goes St Stithians College, and is in Gr. 2 this year. St Stithians College is a Methodist Independant School, situated on a large piece of land , north of Johannesburg.
It has, arguably, the best view of Sandton, from it's top playing field.

St Stithians is one of the Elite Seven Schools in South Africa, and is also a member of the G20 group of schools, and the Round Square Conference of International Schools.
The Motto for St Stithians is "One And All" - A South African school making a world of difference.

Sunday 6 February 2011

Thulani in Gauteng - Day Four

Today Thulani joined the Weaver family on a family bike ride.

We are an active family, and like to do family activities on the weekend. Our family consists of:
Daddy Weaver: A Chemical Engineer
Mummy Weaver: A physiotherapist
Ryan Weaver: Age 7
Emily Weaver: Age 4
Luke Weaver: Age 3
We lived in England up until 2 and a half years ago. We make the most of the great climate that Johannesburg has to offer, and love to escape into the bush for short breaks.

Thulani in Gauteng, South Africa - Day 3


This morning Thulani went to cricket with our oldest son Ryan. Ryan plays cricket for one of the oldest sports clubs in Johannesburg: Old Parks.
This evening, Thulani joined us at The Spur. The Spur is a family friendly steak-house that is well known amongst parents with young children. There are playgrounds, face-painters and childrens entertainers at The Spur. Thulani had a great time meeting every-one... but unfortunately, the camera got left at home, so no photo evidence!
He went to bed a very tired bear tonight!! The children are taking it in turns as to whose bed Thulani sleeps in every night!

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Thulani in Gauteng - Day 2

Today, Thulani went to nursery school with our 4yr old daughter, Emily. She attends Land Of Oz Nursery School in Douglasdale.

Thulani had a fun day at school, playing with all the children, playing on the jungle-gym - and he even did Catrobatz, an extra-mural activity, after school!