About this blog

Thulani (Too-lah-nee) is a small South African bear who has been bitten by the travel bug in a big way! This blog will follow the travels of Thulani Bear as he visits various countries around the globe during 2011.

Sunday, 11 December 2011

Thulani in Ohio, DAY TWO

Day Two:

*Thulani "built" a snowman next to the lighted Christmas tree in our front yard

*We met Christopher Columbus (whom our great city was named after) in front of City Hall

*Once there, we stopped by Santa's Workshop for Thulani to chat with him

*Across the street we note the building that was once the tallest skyscraper in Columbus: The LeVeque Tower- currently listed as second tallest- (originally erected as the American Insurance Union building) built in 1927 and is of Art Deco design, quite ornate. Out of 20 tallest buildings in Ohio, 9 are in Columbus! What a view!!!!!

*Crossing the Broad Street Bridge (where the LeVeque Tower and City Hall are) we find my old high school: Central High which is now our Center of Science an Industry: COSI...our child LOVED spending many hours here learning and discovering!

*Turn to look back across the river: a different view of the Columbus skyline!

*Across the street from COSI is the Veterans' Memorial facility- hosting graduations, auto shows, and more

*A sunny Saturday must mean Buckeye football...oh, too late for that, but we make a stop at the Ohio State University, established 1871, in front of - of course- Ohio Stadium where Ohio State Football lives (the city LIVES for this college football AND, many say, a "True Buckeye" bleeds "Scarlet and Grey"!!!)

*Meal time! Let's go to "Rubino's"...the BEST Pizza shop in THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!! We're lucky, it's just down the street from us. Noted columnist, Bob Green hails from the area, made it BIG, and is in the Chicago area now, but travels back to Rubino's for his "pizza fix"...come....enjoy!!! (spaghetti and pasta, too)

*Mad Dog and staff were making dough, so Thulani had to check it out!

*Jim cashes us out and is THRILLED to be seen with Thulani

*We stop at my sister's house, Thulani investigates the lights on her front yard tree

#Home to take our :Yearly Viking baths and ready for Sunday

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