About this blog

Thulani (Too-lah-nee) is a small South African bear who has been bitten by the travel bug in a big way! This blog will follow the travels of Thulani Bear as he visits various countries around the globe during 2011.

Saturday, 28 January 2012

Thulani in Gibsons, British Columbia

Welcome to Gibsons

Gibsons, along with Sechelt and Pender Harbour, is one of the three main population centres on the Sunshine Coast.  The town got its name from George William Gibson, the first European to establish a homesite here.  In 1886 George, with his two sons George Jr. and Ralph, beached their hand-built sloop, the Swamp Angel, on the site of what he named Gibsons Landing.

George was looking for rich & fertile land to pre-empt.  He liked this area so he and sons each claimed 160 acres. Once established, George arranged for his wife Charlotte, their daughters and all their belongings to be transported to their new home.  The Gibson were hard-working, intelligent and community-minded and they encouraged others to settle here and took pains to see that a stable and thriving community was developed.

The town of Gibsons is a 40 minute ferry ride from of Horseshoe Bay, near Vancouver BC.

Day 1


The 4 generations of McEwan women:  Mary, 80, Cheryl, 56, Tai 28 and Maddie, 5 were all on hand to give Thulani a warm and friendly welcome.

Thulani arrived between a couple of nasty weather systems, the tail end of a snow squall and the beginning of a warmer and much wetter rain storm.  What better way to take cover from the westcoast weather than to make a stop at Tim Hortons for tea and a Timbit (which is a donut hole) .

Day 2

We visited the neighboring community of Sechelt where Thulani gained appreciation for the locally carved totem poles and First Nations art.

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