About this blog

Thulani (Too-lah-nee) is a small South African bear who has been bitten by the travel bug in a big way! This blog will follow the travels of Thulani Bear as he visits various countries around the globe during 2011.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Thulani in Norway - Day 7

Thulani's day seven in Norway.

Finally a day with some culture and history. Thulani wants to invite you all to Norveg, a museum in Rørvik. This particular museum tells the story of Norway and it’s coastal culture, starting ten thousand years ago. We’ve taken some pictures that will show you some of the history.

Before we went inside.
So much to look at outside also. And all of them just saw a ship/boat passing by. As you can see the snow almost has been washed away by the rain.

Inside the museum.

Getting ready for the tutorial trip inside the museum. J

Thulani is looking at the old drawings on the small mountain.  They are between 10000-4000 years old. They are telling different stories about how they fished and went hunting before.

This is how it looked like 200-400 years ago.

How we dried and still are drying the fish to make the famous bacalao.

Inside a very simple lodging for the old fishermen.  Thulani was a bit shocked over the standard.

Moving on to more modern times. J This was fun!

Before the fridge…..salted fish.J

Another simple lodging for the fishermen, but this is more modern though ;) Thulani still did’nt find it as nice as he wanted to.

The weather could be rough!

An old fishermans grave.

Some of the tools they used:

Some jewelry…

And at last……..when we got outside.  A very modern boat/ship! J
We all enjoyed our trip and of course…..we ate our dinner at a restaurant this day, but forgot to take the camera with us inside. So sorry for that.  J
Next time you see us Thulani will be at school.

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