About this blog

Thulani (Too-lah-nee) is a small South African bear who has been bitten by the travel bug in a big way! This blog will follow the travels of Thulani Bear as he visits various countries around the globe during 2011.

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Thulani back in Dorset


Day fifteen: Sherborne

Today I took Thulani and Mlle Lapin to Sherborne as they were keen to see where the Queen had been to visit only a few weeks earlier. I think he was quite sad to have missed out on meeting the Queen of England as she took her special jubilee tour. And just after that the Olympic torch passed through Sherborne as well! Thulani and Mlle Lapin enjoyed looking at the exquisite architecture and were especially impressed by the fan vaulted ceilings.

I think Mlle Lapin is getting very hopeful that Thulani will propose and he certainly doesn't seem to be averse to the idea as you can see from the photo!

Day sixteen: Fish buying.
My eldest son is a keen animal lover and has a passion for fish keeping. His current tank count is six!

Today we purchased three new Siamese fighting fish. They are all male and have to be kept separately or they will kill each other. They are very pretty little fish that can breath air as well as having gills. This is as they sometimes have to survive in extreme conditions when water is in short supply and may end up living in a small puddle until heavy rains come. They live a short life and breed prolifically in the wild and are quite hardy as fish go. they come in various colours, ours are red blue and a sort of silvery/purple.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We really enjoyed having Thulani & Mlle Lapin and were sad to see them on their way

xxx The Danby Familyxxxx