About this blog

Thulani (Too-lah-nee) is a small South African bear who has been bitten by the travel bug in a big way! This blog will follow the travels of Thulani Bear as he visits various countries around the globe during 2011.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Day 6

School Day with Maddy.
3 generations of my family have gone to Gibsons Elementary School and I’m so happy that we were able to visit Maddy and her class for Literacy Day and do a short presentation for the kids.  The school hallways are decorated with coastal-themed murals and Thulani especially enjoyed this one:

Here’s Maddy with Justin & Thulani at her activity table.

The whole class got to hold Thulani and wish him good luck on his journey

Day 7

The sun came out today and we took the opportunity to walk around the original Gibsons Village.  Stopped at the statue of our town’s founder, George Gibsons.

Thulani was also interested in finding out about the little television show that put our community on the map – The Beachcombers. I’ll include a short page of information in the journal. Here’s Thulani in front of Molly’s Reach

Day 8

The Pacific Ocean

It was a glorious day, the sun was out and the air had the most wonderful hint of spring.  What a change in only a week.  We spent the day at the beach.

The little guy spent a goodly amount of time basking in the sun, simply enjoying the beautiful scenery and the calm, meditative sound of the waves.

Thulani even dipped his paw in the ocean

We ended this amazing day by sitting in the car (because the wind picked up and got a bit cold) watching seagulls break open mussels.  Would you believe that just as this picture was taken, one the darn birds dropped a clam shell on the front windshield and cracked it from one side to the other – what luck.

All in all it has been a marvelous adventure, now Thulani is off to Norway for the next leg of his journey.

I hope you will keep in touch with his fans here on the Westcoast of British Columbia.  With love
Cheryl McEwan and family

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