About this blog

Thulani (Too-lah-nee) is a small South African bear who has been bitten by the travel bug in a big way! This blog will follow the travels of Thulani Bear as he visits various countries around the globe during 2011.

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Thulani in Norway - Part 4

Thulani`s fourth day in Norway

Oh, what a busy and fun day. All day long playing with the children in the kindergarten. J  A little bears heaven; cuddling, talking, hugging, eating and drinking all day loooong!

Having tea with Tone Lise and two of her friends.

Thulani was very cuddly and all the children loved him, so during the hour of singing, reading and talking together, he joined in and borrowed almost everyones lap. J

Even the boys loved him! And if I may say so…..Thulani seemed to enjoy the company and the small talk with the boys. Cars and dragons and buildings are topics a big boybear can relate to.

Tone Lise was watching Thulani carefully, while he was talking to the other children. Because, You know, she feels like he is a bit hers. J

At the end of the day it was two tired little girls and a tired little bear that came home from the kindergarten.
A little rest, and then dinner, playtime and childrens tv, before bathtime and bed were enough for all of them this day.
Tomorrow some more outdoors activities! J

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