About this blog

Thulani (Too-lah-nee) is a small South African bear who has been bitten by the travel bug in a big way! This blog will follow the travels of Thulani Bear as he visits various countries around the globe during 2011.

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Thulani in Poland Part 1

Thuliani arrived to Szczecin, Poland on Friday morning... and decided to go to my work with me and my children. We had a lovely day, Thuliani decided to have some pics taken in the stuff room and he helped me to make some photocopies for my pupils... after the hard work he had a little rest. He went with me to teach children and say about himself. The day was tiring and when we came home he played a bit with my children and looked in the garden for some nice place to rest. He really liked sitting between the plants. He also liked our Easter basket, which we make every Easter Saturday and go with it to the church. Inside the basket we have a bit of each type of food, a ham, some bread, a cake, something sweet and some eggs of course. A priest is blessing the food we bring so we won't lack it for next year. We bring the basket home and share the food with our love ones. 

Thulani decided to visit our home pets the lineolated parakeets and the dogs but the dogs were too busy with their own things... the birds however, were friendly and open for the guest, shared some seeds and a bit of water with him :) tomorrow we are going to the ball room dancing contests, so we have to go to bed early... a long day is in front of us :)

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