About this blog

Thulani (Too-lah-nee) is a small South African bear who has been bitten by the travel bug in a big way! This blog will follow the travels of Thulani Bear as he visits various countries around the globe during 2011.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Thulani's Day Sun 15th April

Sunday started slowly, as Sundays do. Thulani woke up to another grey german day. Jamie decided it would be good to bake some muffins. We hit a snag as we did not have eggs but no real problem we have great neighbours. Thulani had great fun licking the bits from the mixer and I had to wipe chocolate off his face. After lunch we took Jamie, Linus, Marike and Thulani to see the "Stone age house" in Venne, a small village near Bramsche. We did not know that it would be closed today so we could not see inside. But the kids and Thulani had fun anyway. It was really cold so we did not stay long. Tomorrow will be Thulani's last day in Germany. We sure are going to miss the furry fellow.

Jamie wanted to bake some muffins. The mouse on the package is from the "Sendung mit der Maus" and is a very well known german childrens program.

The best part was getting to lick the leftovers

They looked yummy

The "Steinzeithaus" (Stone age house) in Venne.

Thulani with Linus and Marike at the not yet finished store room

The bread oven

The house was unfortunately closed so we could only see it from the outside.

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